Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Visitors - an influx

Well hello everyone!

I now pronounce this *visitor week*. Hooray!

It all starts this morning with much longed for and requested (requested? She begged, then pleaded, then ORDERED me to call...) play date with Peanut's best friend JJ. I'm thinking we might crack out the paints, and I'm certain there will be some enthusiastic chicken-chasing, but perhaps they will be content to play with the shadow game Peanut set up this morning. It's just a sheet and a lamp, but very successful. (Bug hasn't quite got the hang of making shadows out of the way her *own* shadow yet, but she likes hiding in the sheet.)

Then sometime this afternoon (hopefully after naps... girls, please nap!) we have an old friend dropping in for a surprise visit / sleepover. We are the halfway house for him on a road trip, but any excuse will do. I'm really looking forward to the catch up. Coincidentally, this particular visitor was the first to suspect I had a stowaway on board, long before I realised. Apparently I was walking like his wife used to walk when she was up the duff! Wish he'd actually, you know, told me.... ;)

Tomorrow morning, after swimming lessons, we have another play date, this time to make the required offerings to the religion that is the Wiggles In Concert. Apparently a live gig entails taking along a home made bone for Waggs, a rose for Dorothy the Dinosaur, and some kind of letter to someone (who, exactly? Can anyone fill me in?) We have been to a Wiggles gig before but the girls were so young they barely knew that the music wasn't from our retro CD / tape player. I bet they were wondering why everyone came to dance to their CD! Because they were so little they didn't mind not having the sacrificial offerings. But this time... No dice. They are switched. So craft-that-will-be-thrown-into-no-doubt-Wiggles-branded-landfill it is. Gah! But I am really excited about the concert. Peanut and Bug are great little groovers, I love to watch them get excited and dance to music they know. No doubt this means I will be tagging along just to watch them bliss out to the latest fad boy band in 2030. I'll be that creepy old chick up the back wearing a Porkers shirt, come say hi. ;)

Lastly, here is the latest photo of our soon-to-be new addition, the Australian Bulldog "Panzer" (or as I like to call her, "Pansy". Cause having his militarily named pup called after the sookiest of flowers makes Mr Accident just *ever* so pleased!)

In this pic she is three weeks old, and she's opened her wee little eyes! Mr A is like a clucky mother hen about her, it's really getting quite ridiculous. Yesterday he made a comment about not needing a big back yard in our next house, as Panzer won't need much space to run. Yup. That's right. He was so caught up in the excitement of his new dog he had FORGOTTEN THAT WE HAVE CHILDREN. Egads! And she's not even here yet, imagine how he'll be when she arrives!

Oh golly gee, when did I get so gosh darn popular? Only a third of a way through the visitor influx and I have already vacuumed three times. I could have done it four, but I put my foot down. Four times in six hours would just be ridonkulous (pfftt, like three wasn't. But have you seen toddlers eating bread? They scatter it like I own invisible indoor pigeons.)


  1. Show a puppy picture and I'll be a follower for life. :)

    1. There will be more coming soon! The breeder just sent us some seriously squee-worthy ones. I am as smitten as Mr A, now!

  2. Love the pup :) I give up trying to keep the floors clean after a while...I'm so sure as soon as I clean up the house goes off and rolls in something nasty!

  3. Oh my gosh! Pansy is so cute! (yes, I'm rolling with it too.. woolmerhof lost a bet - luckily - he wanted to call Brutus "Sniper".. no way!) Great idea on the shaddow game, thanks peanut! Although, F seems to just want to hide matchbox cars in boxes at the moment! Xx

    1. Mr A goes "and the next one, I'm calling Sherman!" I said "yes, Cher is an EXCELLENT name for a dog...." HA!

  4. Panzer is adorable! Hope she gets along with chookies. I bet she will, growing up with them.

  5. Sounds like you managed to have a super busy week. Thanks so much for having my dear husband on his way though - he really enjoyed catching up with you all (now we just need the rest of the family to see you)
    The puppy is a little cute and Mr A - believe me you need a back yard.

  6. hehe - we did not want to say anything incase you were keeping it a secret :) Little did we know at the time that the stowaway was also a surprise to you:)
