
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's your turn

I think it's time for a delurker post.

I love checking up on my blog stats. Not so much the numbers, encouraging as they are, but the locations! Fascinating.

I have plenty of Australian visitors, and a few from America, too. A couple from the UK (I think that's you, Gartcott!) and some from South Africa (Hi Stel!) But who else is here?

I'm turning this post over to you, my dear semi-regular reader, my adored occasional or never-before commenter. Come in! sit down! And write...


  1. Hi Mrs. A! I just joined your following recently. I was blog surfing and happened upon you and enjoyed your humor!
    I live in the US on the east coast, just fyi. I also enjoy seeing where my lurkers live! Tis really hard to get comments from anyone, but it does happen on occasion!
    Happy posting!

  2. I'm another reader from sunny South Africa, don't comment very often, but love reading your quirky posts.

  3. I'm from the UK but have lived in France for the last 20 years. I don't remember how I came to your blog but I have read all the archives. I love how you write and have enjoyed following your journey.

  4. Hi
    I am a reader from the west coast of the USA. I found your blog via a Down to Earth blog link and have continued following your posts, since I really enjoy your writing, which is so full of humor.

  5. Yep, I'm definitely UK - southern central Scotland to be fairly precise - can one be 'fairly' precise? Love where I live but still call Australia home, even after 44 years; except when I come back to Australia on a visit, I then 'go home' to Scotland.

  6. Ooooh I love the location stats :-D
    To get more specific then - I'm in the capital, Pretoria.

  7. Another lurker here from the UK. I have never commented before but strangely while driving into work this morning I promised myself that I would comment today when I got home and let you know how much I enjoy your posts - how's that for synchronicity!

    I live in the SW of England in a beautiful village called North Tawton where for the first time in what seems forever we have SUN!

  8. Hi,
    I'm from Redcliffe in Queensland. I found your blog awhile ago also through Down to Earth blog and love your posts.

  9. Hi, I'm a reader from the Netherlands (had to laugh about your comments on dutch food and you're right btw)
    I found your blog through Down to Earth and kept reading as I'm also a housewife with two (slightly) younger children and I enjoy your posts very much.

  10. Morning, I also found your blog through "down to earth" and have been lurking around fit a little while. I'm on the Gold Coast and loving your blog.

  11. Melbourne - Australia. Found you via Down To Earth. Still grumpy I didn't win the meal planner.......

  12. Hi, Mrs. A. I lurk and sometimes comment from Northwest Indiana, U.S. Always enjoy what you ave to say.

  13. Hello, I'm from the uk and have commented once before so not a total lurker! Your posts make me chuckle and/or make me think so I love dropping by. My children are slightly older (7 and 3.99999) and I wear an apron at home lots more since you described it as a uniform!

  14. Hi there,
    I'm in Canberra and just love reading about your daily trials and triumphs. I'm a home mum as well, and for me, you tell it like it is!

  15. Hi, Queenslander here, but I comment reasonably frequently. Love the way you look at life, and will continue to read for a giggle and the occasional touching story.

  16. You know me....
    That big mouth mother from down in Adelaide that believes in fairies , eats too many cupcakes and hangs out in the garden with her rabbits and vegies...........

  17. I think you know me too... Or am I just being pretentious again?

  18. Keep writing! You always bring a smile to my face. I am way up further North than Cairns, almost in the tropical rainforest of Queensland.

  19. I'm another from Adelaide (Hi to Enchanted Moments!! I also believe in fairies)who found your blog through Down to Earth. I am a full-time working mother with a stay-at-home-husband, but I love reading all your posts and trying to incorporate your ideas and values and humour into the precious time that I do have to spend with my 2 boys.

  20. I am from The Blue Mountains just west of Sydney. I'm not sure how I found your blog but its bookmarked now. I am an infants teacher but currently stay at home by choice to raise my family and lead a simpler, less hectic life. I check your blog once a day but don't always comment. But I will try to more often.

  21. *make note to check out "Down to Earth" blog*

  22. Dallas, TX and not a housewife, but I enjoy your blog.

  23. I am from Kingscliff on the far north coast of NSW Australia. Not sure how I found your bog but I have been reading it for a few months now and have never commented. I find your posts very entertaining. I have been on maternity leave for 19 months and am returning to work part time next week. I have an almost 18 month old son so I really love reading your blogs about your life with your kids. Keep up the great writing!

  24. I'm from the South Burnett (Qld). I found your blog through my old school & Uni friend's blog (Killing a Fly with a Ukulele) and continue to link across to here from that site. I also enjoy your writing and your outlook on life. Dani

  25. Hi, I'm in England, the sunny (for now) midlands. I am definately a lurker! I have never before commented on a blog, anywhere! I love how you write. I have an 18 mnth old daughter, so can really relate to alot of your experiences.

  26. I think I stumbled on your site from the comments section of SimpleMom (can’t be sure of that). Your post was about falling down in the yard and getting pecked by chickens. I laughed out loud and have been popping in since.

    From the U.S., in the lovely South. My site, if you ever want to swing by:

  27. Hood River, Oregon, USA :) Found your blog through Down to Earth.

  28. And me, I'm still here! I check in when I can :-)

  29. Hello from Arlington, Massachusetts USA! I found your blog thru Down to earth. I quite enjoy your wit.

  30. Lurking in Canberra. I found your blog through Girl World.

  31. make me laugh :)

  32. Illawarra.. but you know me :)

  33. Just living in Canberra, can't remember when I found your blog but I love it.

  34. I just found you today by following a Nature Nurture post link, so you can count me in as your Germany stat, until we move elsewhere this year or next. And then I'll probably be your stat from somewhere else. :)

  35. Hi :) I'm another UK reader - don't often comment, but have been reading for a while now. Thanks

  36. Lower Blue Mtns here! love reading about your day to day adventures.

  37. Another Dutchie, but married to a South African and living in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
