
Friday, June 8, 2012

Hey you!



Yes, YOU!

We need to talk.

(Yes, it's serious, is there any other kind of "we need to talk" talk?)

It has come to my attention that you have been commenting on other blogs.

Even other blogs from my blog roll!

And you know what? It's high time I told you...


We're building a community, here.

You, me, and the rest of that motley crew that visit daily.

It's an accidental community, in more ways than one.

An "Accidental" community in name, obviously, but also in nature - we were all floating around the the huge old net haphazardly and then came across each other at random, stumbling in the dark, bumping the walls and looking for like minded souls.

It's a big world out there, on the internet.

Lots of people you've never met. Lots of people you'd never want to meet.

But this corner here is nice. It's ours. We are starting to know one another, to form friendships, to forge bonds. To get connected.

I love coming across a comment from one of my regular readers on another blog I read. I like to think (because everything is obviously All About Me) that I brought them together. That I am some kind of super-blog-matchmaker. Now, since more is clearly better, I have decided to be a bigger and better matchmaker.

Starting tomorrow.

(And no, that's not a facetious way to say "never".)

I seriously mean tomorrow.

We're having a linky party, and you're invited!

(Well, obviously, since by "we're" I mean "me and you" so it's implied. But I'm kind of hoping some other nice, like-minded people will show up too, and give everyone lots of lovely comments.)

Now, every good party needs some prior planning. Here's where you come in.

Could you please have a look through your old posts, and dig out some housewifey ones? Or perhaps you would like to write one especially for tomorrow. Then some across sometime in the next week and link on up.

The more the merrier!

I'll make a little linky badge tonight, for your side bar or on the post, and we can have us a proper party!   (I'll be the lady dancing on the table in a lampshade.)

See you there!


  1. Is it lame to be absurdly excited about this? Ha! Now, if only I knew what the heck the links bit means...if you can expand on the fancy blogging lingo, then I'm in. Kaffir lime mojito, anyone? :)

    1. Ooh, I love a good mojito! I'll take two. And one for my... friend. Ahem.

      A linky is when I get a doodad to put on my page, that allows you to add in the web address of any post you've written, and it will show up for everyone to click on and visit.

  2. My life has been enriched so much by following links on blogs and I'm So impressed by all you busy mothers and wives who find the time and inclination to write about what you're doing and how you're doing it. Let's have three hearty cheers for bloggers!

    1. Thanks Gartcott! (is it wrong to cheer myself?)

      Hip hip!!

  3. What qualifies as a 'housewifey' post?

    1. Well, let's see..

      How about we say anything done in the home, that would be improved by wearing an apron? So housework, recipes, home organization, pets, views about the above, and things that would be helpful or interesting to women (or men!) who work in the home.

      (Anyone have anything to add to that?)

      Oh... And chickens :)

  4. Well I suck at real life "mingling" but hey, let's give the e-version a go. I don't blog on weekends, so next week is okay yeah? I'm looking forward to it now - I always did love set topics to write about:)

    1. Next week is fine! I figured I'd leave it open all week so everyone had time to get theirs in.

      I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  5. Ill be the one with a tea cosy on my head, so will theoldmilkcan...I am all up for mingling with the same wave length crowd...seeing as I am such an odd ball and dont make friends easy in 'real life' ( love that band).....

    1. Sweetheart, if you're odd, I don't want to be even...

  6. LOVE IT! I'm in in in and have just the thing to right about :D

    1. Great! I figured this would be good for you, it can be really hard for new blogs to find likeminded readers!

  7. Love the idea! But I am one of these sad "blog stalkers" that reads everyone else's blogs (and loves them and is inspired by them and occasionally moved to tears by them) and occasionally comments as "anonymous", but has absolutely NO IDEA of how to have their own blog or to do all the cool, bloggy things that are out there.

    1. It's actually quite easy to get started! It's worth taking the time to figure it out, and I bet you have something interesting to say, too.

      But in the meantime.. Keep on visiting and keep on commenting! It's a bloggers bread and butter. Hopefully there will be some interesting things for you to read here tomorrow!

  8. Well, this is an excellent idea but I can't for the life of me think of any housewifery posts I've written. If there was a "Carnival of posts about babies and chickens" then I'd be set. I will have to think on.

    1. I think chickens probably count! But I'll leave the linky open all week so if you want to write something else you have plenty of time.

  9. I love this post...i feel the exact same way when i see other 'friends' commenting on other'friends' blogs! It really does become your own little community....which is lucky because i don't get out much anymore since the twins came along lol!
    The linky sounds like a fab idea!

  10. Wow, very exciting! I've never been linky before and I'm a bit of a technophobe, so if it all looks super easy than I'd love to be involved.

    1. I made it as easy as I could! Let me know if you need help, though.

  11. Oh I'm totally in! I do love a good party! I have both a sewing one picked, (it didn't end well though) or I can pick one of my Foodie Fridays! Hooray!

    Figured I can bring along a giant plate of Nachos.. but only Australian made nachos - none of that filthy american cardboard cheese!

  12. Here's my entry: Making bread with sourdough starter. It would have been up a couple for days ago but.... vodafone.

    Loving the link up, it's a fantastic idea.
