
Monday, May 28, 2012

Pride goeth before the fall

I was a walking proverb this morning.

Or, to be more precise, a tripping one.

I was carrying a large sack of chicken feed through the backyard when it occurred to me that I was quite possibly having my most productive day ever. I started congratulating myself on getting the breakfast dishes and laundry done so blisteringly quickly that I had the time to clean out the chicken house, all before leaving for play school. However, just as my pride was building, along came my fall....


There was a stray bamboo cane on the grass. It clearly had Bad Intentions, as the rest of its well behaved brethren were stacked politely against the fence. As I passed it leapt from the ground and grappled me into submission. My feet and the cane were more twisted than a Stephen King story.

I fell like a slapstick stunt man; juggling the feed, trying not to crush anyone smaller, stumbling and flailing, and eventually landing on my bum in a giant pile of spilled corn and sunflower seeds.

That, of course, brought a pack of (normally docile) slavering chickens and dogs running to gobble the spoils.

Which I was sitting on.

When I finally extricated myself from under a pile of excited animals, I turned to Bug to check she was alright. With the insouciance only a one year old can muster, she pointed to the stunningly evil bamboo cane and said "look Mummy! Stick!"

Yes my dear, I know.



  1. Bonus is that all those sunflower seeds will pop up :) We had a wheat/sunflower lawn around our feed bins - a little rain was all it took. Other than that I'm afraid there are no comforting words after receiving the cane ;p I hope your day gets better.

    1. Thanks TC, I reckon the chickens will eat the seeds before a sunflower plant gets even half a chance! I did get a fair bit back up and into the feed bucket, so I didn't lose too much seed Still, the chickens think it's Christmas!

  2. Oh, I can relate to this only too well. If there is something to fall over I will do it. Sticks, cracks in the footpath, my own feet, small puffs of air whirling near my ankles. You name it, I can tumble over it slapstick-style. I've just accepted it now that I'm part circus clown. I'm just hoping my son hasn't inherited the fumble foot disease from me.

  3. As soon as my day starts looking like its going really well, I start keeping an eye out for accidents waiting to happen. Never had anything as spectacular as that though :)

    1. I swear I fell for a full five minutes.

      I look over my shoulder at fate, too. Especially when I'm very happy!

  4. Well told story - I hope the only thing that was bruised was your ego!

  5. This is classic. Thanks for sharing.

    And, just in case I've got this wrong...err... you were a proud member of our defence forces, yes?

    1. Yep. Bloody lucky the Taliban didn't have little sticks.

    2. Taliban with little crack me up! Me, hubby and uncle all had a good laugh at this!

  6. Sllooooowwwww mmooooottttiiiioooonnnnnnn

  7. Lmao oh what a nice way to end my day, you poor thing but damm that would have been hell funny to see. Still laughing Jodie:-)

  8. I hate it when things happen in slow mo like that ... you just know how it's going to pan out. Would have been a good photo opportunity though! cheers Wendy

  9. I hate that you fell down but I love the way you share it. I feel like I was right there among the rowdy chickens.
