
Monday, May 21, 2012

The one where I do a million tiny stitches on fiddly felt

I am a miser.

A penny pincher.

A mean mum who doesn't buy fripperies for her daughters...

...but I do like to make them.

I spent my Sunday Switch Off making hair clips for the girls.

I had loads of felt in my stash, left over from random Halloween costumes and similar important constructions. Some was floppy, mostly it was stiff, there was plenty of pink, with purple and lashings of white. (Is it just me, or does that last sentence look dirty? Mr A has been away too long...)

I googled and Pinterested for inspiration, then let my scissors do the talking.

I'm not very happy with the mushroom, but I love the flowers and I think the owl is nice*. It looks better in real life - especially when attached to a moving child. This photo is kind of...close.

(*If I say so myself. I always have such low expectations of the things I create, I'm always pleasantly surprised when they look even vaguely presentable.)

I experimented with different ways to attach the clips and I like the owl way best, but the other methods work pretty well too.

Stitched on with embroidery thread

Double layer of felt, encasing the clip, stitched around the outside.

Ribbon sewn on the back, then the clip stitched on too.

The girls love them, Peanut is wearing one today, and Bug strokes them and says "Ooooh, pretty. Pretty hair." (I may have coached her.)

These suckers seem to retail at about $5, so I'm pretty happy to have made them myself for far cheaper, and Peanut loves that she can order whatever shape she wants! Now, off to try and make a dinosaur... wish me luck!


  1. Wow! They are terrific....I love it when an idea or a craft project comes out better than expected...I can see why your girls love cute!

  2. Good luck with the dinosaur. The others look so good! Well done!

    1. Dino fail. I made another flower instead. It appears my skills have limitations! Who knew?

  3. I would like a rabbit please, holding a carrot, with whiskers and a real fluffy tail............
    I cant believe the effort you have gone to , and the fiddly stitching you have done....
    A grand effort mummy.

    1. ...and I want a gold plated toilet seat, baby, but it's just not on the cards, is it....

      (Oh Austin Powers, is there any situation unsuitable for your quotes?)

      I think your expectations exceed my skills. Want a flower instead?

      Thanks for your lovely compliments :)

  4. I'd hardly call you a penny pincher - I'd say you are a suppressed artist is all, snatching a chance to create :) They are very lovely and if you have any long ribbon and scraps of felt left you can make a Wallflower to pin them to for safe keeping....we made them once and (if TFG didn't use all her clips for toys) they worked very well.

    1. I really need to make one, I have this nightmare of Bug pulling them out of the ribbon drawer, and Panzer going to town...

  5. They are great, besides, nobody else at school has them!

  6. The buttons make the flowers look like they are smiling! :D

    1. You will probably see one up close tomorrow, Peanut doesn't want to take them off :)

  7. Oh, it's worth investing in a tiny hot glue gun off eBay, I love mine x

    1. I have one! But it's in the garage, which is METRES away. Apathy wins again...

  8. I love the owl. They're gorgeous. If I had one, I'd be just like Peanut and wouldn't take it off. (:

  9. As my gram used to say: Those are just too cute by half! Adorable designs I know my daughters would have loved when they were little!
