
Thursday, May 17, 2012


I have dags.

They flap round my bum and annoy me.

Dags, of course, being my patented Dogs Affirmative Guidance Sacks.

I had had enough of Panzer. She was running rampant.

Messing everywhere, making my floors into a minefield. Chewing things she shouldn't. And, far far worse, jumping up and snapping at the children. They were terrified. 

I had two little girls who would cry whenever she came near, yesterday Peanut wet her pants because she didn't want to leave the safety of the couch to run to the toilet, and Bug was constantly being pushed over and dominated. I blocked off the playroom as a Panzer-free safe zone, but it didn't solve the basic problem. 

Pan was a menace, and it had to stop. 

Of course, none of this was actually Panzer's fault. She needed guidance and leadership, and someone to teach her how to behave. Ideally Mr Accident would do the training (she is his puppy, after all) but he is away again, so it's all up to me. 

I gave myself a pep-talk while I was putting Bug down for her midday sleep (ok, in the interest of full disclosure, there may have been slightly less pep and slightly more self-pitying sobbing, but the outcome was the same.) Something had to change, and clearly, since the dog wasn't leaving, that something had to be me. 

While the girls were napping, I dug into my fabric off cuts and made up two little sacks.

They are just basic square bags with enough elastic around the top to hold the treats in but still allow me quick one-handed access. I filled them with the dogs' normal dinner biscuits. I had to make two so Archie wouldn't feel left out, he can't eat Pan's food because of his pancreatitis.

Then I just stitched a ribbon onto the hem so I could attach them to a carabiner...

...and hang them off my belt loops or my apron ties.

Voila! DAGS! 

And yes, they do look very daggy indeed, but they are not as bad as owning a feral dog.

Since I started using them at about 3pm yesterday, I have had two incredibly attentive dogs, Pan had only messed inside twice (while the girls were in the bath and getting put to bed - not much I could do!) and best of all... *drumroll please*... she has stopped jumping on the kids, because when she sits as they come near her, she gets a reward. WIN!

HUGE thanks to everyone who gave me advice and encouragement in yesterday's post. I needed it! You are all my village. 


  1. Dog + food bribery = WIN!
    Well done. Love the dags. When I get my next puppy (work in progress. SJ is being stubborn) I'm going to use dags like these during the training process. I usually just use my pocket, but that can get messy, especially when the treats end up in the wash.

  2. LOL Scorcha....I was standing at a hotel, checking in and reached into my coat pocket...found a handful of Shmackos I'd forgotten I'd put there...decided they might be good for tipping if hotel turned out to be extra good!?!?
    Yay for Panzer and YAY x a million for you....brilliant Daggy-baggy idea and remember it takes a dog an average of 77 times to get it stuck in their brain (according to my dog training experty sister)....sounds like a lot until you start counting how many times you find yourself repeating what you say to them lol

  3. Love the daggs and gr8 job with Panzer it takes a lot of time and patient's. Lol Scorcha!

  4. What a result! Well done Accidental Dog and Housewife - Mr A wont get a look in when he comes home. He'll want his own Daggy Bags and I'm not referring to his trousers.

    1. He's already asked! He wants them in DPCU (like his cams). Apparently my sweet little bags with cupcakes and red spots aren't his style...

  5. Will this work with my boxers??

    Must give it a try. Good idea!

  6. What a great idea! Have you thought about starting a dog training business? I hear there's this dude called Caesar who does quite well!

  7. I wonder if that would work on toddlers too... Leave me alone for just 5 minutes so I can shower, and you can have a chocolate from this bag hanging from my waist!!!

  8. Puppy instinct is to play rough and tumble with the other puppies in the litter (Bug, Peanut and anyone else at puppy eye level). Within the litter, if one is too rough, the 'victim' yips loudly and takes a step back, and the perpetrator will generally back off quickly. I taught my kids to yip (once, loudly) if the pup jumped at them, closed her mouth on fingers (even gently), snapped or whatever. Any hurtful behaviour. I was pretty stunned at how quickly it worked. Pup is 18 months old now and still gets a seriously repentent look if she gets too rough and I 'yip' at her.

    1. Interesting... luckily, it seems my toddler's natural instinct is to yip when they are nipped or threatened, so this shouldn't be too hard to teach!
