
Friday, May 4, 2012

Co-sleeping. Experiences may vary.

Teething sucks.

(For  Bug more than me, but it's a close run race.)


  1. Ha! This is so true. We have our own little bed-hogger in with us at night. We have a king sized bed & we're still clinging on to the edges while he takes the rest. Some nights I have so little room I spend the night dreaming I'm falling off a cliff. It beats getting up eleventy times a night though.

    1. It totally does! I've perfected the mattress edge-clutch to stop me being kicked out.... but that leaves me with no hands free to hold onto the covers!

  2. We start the night off together now....nothing beats having your little one fall asleep in the crook of your arm, nestled into you...and then often or not I get up, to do some things before my bedtime and when its bed time for mummy and daddy, out she comes into her cot..........hmmmm nice warm bed for us to get into, but not so nice for little m hopping into a cold cot!
    Seriously, and I will put alot of noses out of joint in saying this, but seriously, parents that dont let their kids into their beds at all are just plain mean..............or havnt ever really just soaked the whole experience in.......
    Hope those teeth come out quickly....we always swore by the Womens and Childrens Hospital concoction of teething gel, it numbed our finger completely as you put it on, so it must have been great stuff on those sore gums...

    1. I feed Peanut to sleep and then she's in her cot all night, but we cosleep when she is feeling poorly, or going through a wonder week and just needs her mummy. I love bringing her into bed in the morning for a cuddle, too!

      But the problem is in my bed, she sleeps, but I don't... and she's been in my bed for over a week now :(

  3. Great illustrations! How fun!

    The drawings, not teething.

  4. How to say so much with so few words!
    Love your work...
    Love co-sleeping when it's necessary, but it's not without it's pitfalls.

  5. So true!! Love the drawings.

  6. Classic! You're such a dag! Hilarious, but a dag :)

  7. My first bub was terrible to sleep with. He flip-flopped all night long and would twirl my hair in his fingers till it came out. I remember some days at work I would burst out crying due to lack of sleep. It felt like a miracle when he finally started sleeping through the night in his own room at 19 months! My second bub is a little dream to sleep with. After she wakes for her nightly feed we let her sleep the rest of the night in the bed between us. She snuggles in close and barely moves a muscle till morning. I do worry that I'm making life hard for myself later down the track when we move her to her own room, but at the moment it's bliss.

  8. go slept with all of our children our last 5 children were born in 5 years so at times we had all 5 in with us happy memories

  9. Loved the stick figure drawings that's impressive and very funny. I can't sleep with my little ones I either get too hot or just don't sleep well and mummy just isn't nice with out her sleep. Good luck hope things settle soon. Jodie xx

  10. Thanks for the laugh:) The Mr here has been running the midnight oil here. He said that it is just like picket (probably without the vomit though) Hoping that the teeth come through soon and you all get some sleep.

    Did you ever get those Amber necklaces?

    1. Funny you should mention the necklaces! I found a lovely lady at playgroup today who sells them, and she lives right round the corner! I figure I have nothing to lose.... Except $28, of course. ;)

    2. Lots of babies are wearing them around my way, I had never seen them before and had to ask someone what they were all about...shows I am an 'older' mum....

  11. Those pictures are sooooo true to life. I did the co sleeping thing with all three of my children, but I have to say that the third time around I got so much better sleep than the previous times. I can't however say the same for my husband!

  12. Despite many friends advice of making children get back in their own beds we did not take the advice. I also rocked both of my children to sleep before putting them into the bed. I couldn't stand the screaming to go to bed. They grew up to be fine adults in their 20's - no harm done by being rocked to sleep or in the bed with their parents. Once they starting sleeping on their own we got a puppy who grew into big dog who has taken their place on the bed! We now have a king size!
