
Monday, April 18, 2011

A new dress

I'm in desperate need of a new dress. We've moved from the backwater tropics to "big town", and my current clothes just aren't suitable. Who would have thought that an endless array of tshirts, shorts and thongs (the foot kind!) would not be accepted attire everywhere? Never mind the nuances of the weather...

So it's time for a new dress. Unfortunately the realities of two small kids, a hungry husband and one income just don't stretch to couture. So instead I am dressing my blog! It's cheap and changeable, perfect. I hope you grow accustomed to the new look, but prepared for it to change - there is no sign of a real new dress on my horizon!


  1. Well my dear, your blog is looking fresh and snappy!

    I used to mock my sister for shopping at Lifeline. Then one day, I went to check it out. $67 later I had 7 or 8 kickass tops, 2 pairs of bitchin jeans and a chunky read bead necklace. This stuff is awesome. I get comments everywhere about how nice my clothes are. I wore one gorgeous red top and the bead necklace with an oldish chiffon black skirt to a wedding (looked quite amazing may I say) and it cost $10.50 plus whatever that skirt cost me 7 years ago.

    At Rockmans, I look at the tops and say, "Nah, nah, nah, maybe - oh, no, nah ..." but at Lifeline I say, "I'll try that, and that, and that, and that looks nice too..." All lovely clothes that people once bought because they were nice! I'd recommend it!

    If it's not time for that sort of shop though, just look at your nice new blog. Beautiful!

  2. That is an excellent idea! The Townsville ones were pretty dodgy, but the ones down here are probably heaps better. I'll have to have a look, that'll be fun!
