
Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Fairy

We had a fabulous Christmas.

I set my mind to it, and made it happen.

There were speedbumps to this fabulosity (is that a word?). There were bound to be - 10 days with the in-laws, a week with my mum, and five seperate flights with a baby, luggage, stroller and portacot in tow. Mixing relatives, especially some as whacky as mine, is always fraught with risk.

I carefully ignored all the problems.

Instead I focused on the good stuff.  Trips to the zoo. Trips to the beach. Trips to the park. Shopping. Christmas cake and chocolate. Trips to see Santa.

This was the only photo where Santa had his eyes open and Baby was looking towards the camera. And is this is the best, you can imagine the worst....

I think she looks like a little boy.

Perhaps this should be the Official 2009 Accidental Family Christmas Image instead.

It's very fitting, gracefully capturing the moment of Baby dragging every last thing out of my purse.


I love it!


  1. Next time, she could wear the beautiful fairy outfit to see Santa, and wear her boy clothes to rummage through your stuff...

  2. Love the picture - ahh - at least she did santa - I did not even attempt it with Mr B this year - he recieved a book from him at a playgroup function - and will lets just say he would not touch said book for weeks as it was given to him by "the man in red' Thankgoodness he did not se him sneak into the house on Christmas Eve:)

    Happy New Year - glad that you dodged any confrontation - Christmas with out Mr Accident is always hard - I have done three (luckly pre children) Hugs

  3. Wow! You are a trooper! We were on the road almost that long, but not without my husband. Good for you, staying focused on happy things. Contentment is good for you and everyone around you. How will you reward yourself? Maybe make a big print of that angel picture and hang it. It is precious!!

  4. That IS impressive! Gads, five flights? Crazy...

    I adore that last pic... an angel up to mischief! Wishing you all a great 2010...

  5. I think the fairy/angel pic is adorable! You can't tell she's rummaging thru your purse... I was trying to figure out if she was petting a dog or a very sweet. My daughter would make me stand in line for an hour to see Santa - then when it was our turn, she'd run off crying.... kids!

  6. that pic is beautiful. Lets pretend she is doing something angelic other than giving you a peek into your future when she is rifling through your purse for cash for booze...
