
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hill walking

There is a massive hill near my house.

(this is not my house)
I try and hill walk every day.

Not necessarily this hill. Sometimes it's just the hill between the bedroom and the kitchen. That can be a big hill some mornings.

Sometimes it's the emotional hill of dropping my beautiful baby at childcare. That's a pretty big hill.

But when I wake up early and fresh enough, and I have time to get up and back down and still beat the tropical heat, I walk this hill.

Baby loves it, I leave her in her pyjamas and she nods off again.

That's me looking all sweaty and red there.  That's baby, sleeping like.. a baby. When I'm old and grey I'm going to make her push me up this hill in my wheelchair.

My favourite bit of the whole hill is not the view, although it's spectacular.

It's not the interesting flora or fauna.

It's this bit.

This is where I have a rest on the way up.

Taking the occasional rest is very important, on every hill. Even the bedroom to kitchen ones.

Especially when you didn't realise that the wheels on the stroller were completely flat, and it feels like you've been pushing wet sand uphill. Not that I'd know anything about that. My stroller wheels are always fully pumped. Aren't yours?


  1. Wow! Your hill is beautiful! Both the literal and the figurative. :-) Thanks so much for stopping by today. And congrats on your new lighting!

  2. Oh Mrs Accident! I see now why you fit into your skinny jeans! If I lived closer to you, I'd make you FORCE me to go with you.

  3. Hello AH!! NOW I know where you are... been wondering. Gorgeous shots here. Wish I had your energy - my knees won't let me climb hills like that one these days (the emotional ones I still sweat up, of course!).


  4. Oh these pics make me miss Townsville even more:( Thanks for the memories - I do hope she pushes you up there one day LOL.
