
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bedroom Makeover

Mr Accident and I have worked really hard to make the public areas of our house nice. However, this was at the expense of our bedroom. Sure, we'd bought a comfy bed and good pillows, but the room wasn't... pretty. And because I didn't like it, it was less restful than it could have been.

The decor was kind of college chic - I bought the chipboard 'bedside tables' from Bunnings Warehouse from $10 each, and they have been painted pink then brown then finally blue. Mismatched blue. One is slightly darker than the other!

The lights were a $15 Target buy. Again, they started out as brown, I painted them blue, and did a dodgy hot glue job with raffia string around the shades to hide their colour. This solution only worked from a distance and when the lamps were off. Up close they were a total mess.

In short, pretty much the only cute thing in the photo is the baby!

Luckily, Mr Accident took me shopping when he came home recently on a holiday. We bought some new bedside tables and I have added in new lamps too.
Photos to follow soon!


  1. Come on deary! Where are the new pictures? Everything looks glorious!

    guess who?

  2. Kelley,
    dude, seriously, I am not as awesome as you, k? I would say I was jacking up against NaBloMoPo but really I am just the lazy.

    Dear Anon. I know you think it look glorious, you lived with it for 5 years, and the baby's yours! Stop trying to act like a kabillion year old woman, husband =p
